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Dusty Night

Nuit de poussière
Ali Hazara
2011 Afghanistan; France 20 minutes Arabic

In a few splendid, pitch-dark shots pierced only by car headlights, this short film made in Kabul by Ali Hazara for the Atelier Varan documentary project gives us a glimpse of a world that, viewed from here, has been engulfed under the media’s images of war. Arduously finding their way by the light of a shop or a petrol pump, the capital’s night sweepers perform a very curious job. No sooner have they swept up the dust than it resettles a little further down the street, without missing the fruit displays of discontented grocers. “This bloody dust… there’s no end to it”. By superimposing the sweepers’ futile gestures with the voice-over of one of them, Hazara pin-points the cycle of widespread corruption that is at the root of their absurd task.

Ali Hazara

Ali Hazara est né en 1977 à Ghvas, dans la province du Wardaken Afghanistan. En 1979, sa famille émigre en Iran,où il passe son enfance. Il retourne dans son pays natal en 2004 et suit une formation en cinéma aux Ateliers Varan.

Production :
Juliette Dubois; Ateliers Varan
Editing :
Reza Serkanian
Sound :
Ali Hazara; Nooroallah Hussaini
Photography :
Ali Hazara
Copy Contact :
Ateliers Varan

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