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Fire From the Mountain

Deborah Shaffer
1987 Nicaragua; United States 58 minutes English

Fire From the Mountain traces the poetic, down-to-earth and sometimes amusing path of the Nicaraguan author, Omar Cabezas: his student activism, his involvement in the guerrilla against the Somoza dictatorship and his influential work for the Nicaragua’s revolutionary government in its fight against the American-backed Contras.

Deborah Shaffer

Deborah Shaffer fit partie du mouvement des Newsreel, dans le cadre duquel elle réalise Make Out (1969) et Finally Got the News (1970). Parmi ses autres films :
The Wobblies (avec Stewart Bird, 1979), Witness to War (1984), Dance of
Hope (1989), From the Ashes – 10 artists (2001), From the Ashes – Epilogue
(2002), To be Heard (2010)

Production :
Deborah Shaffer; Adam Friedson
Editing :
Gini Reticker
Sound :
Luis Fuentes
Photography :
Frank Pineda
Copy Contact :
Deborah Shaffer