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Vincent Dieutre
2012 France 82 minutes French

“And there, where’s that?” For a visiting female friend, Vincent Dieutre talks about the images he filmed over one year from the flat of his lover, Simon. The story of a now finished love is layered over by a totally different scenario: the precarious existence of young Afghan refugees camping out in the cold on the banks of the Saint-Martin canal. Intimacy and society, high and low, the intimate sounds of the couple and long shots of the group: everything seems to disassociate sound and image, and yet the filmmaker’s emotional memory connects them up. Is it a coincidence that Simon was a volunteer in an association helping asylum seekers? That the flat is near the metro station, Jaurès – the MP who criticised “rogue laws”? That the filmmaker himself was undercover in Simon’s life? By working on the sound and the actual substance of the image (discreet use of animation), Dieutre goes beyond the inherent superiority of the view from the window to relate the intimate birth of compassion.

Vincent Dieutre

Born in 1960, Vincent Dieutre studied art history, then enrolled at the IDHEC film school. He spent time in New York on a Villa Medicis grant in 1989, then turned to cinema, which he regularly teaches at Université Paris VIII, La Fémis, Le Fresnoy and ESAV. Blending documentary and intimist elements, his films are fictional autobiographies drawing on his culture and life (Rome désolée, Leçons de ténèbres, Fragments sur la grâce…) and have received various awards at leading international festivals.

Production :
Stéphane Jourdain
Editing :
Mathias Bouffier
Sound :
Vincent Dieutre
Photography :
Vincent Dieutre

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