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Jean Rouch
1997 France 82 minutes French

“If you dream under an acacia albida struck by lightning but still alive, your dreams will come true and as Boubou Hama used to say, “yesterday’s double meets tomorrow”. A new realistic tale by the DALAROUTAMOU group, inserted between two shoots of La Vache merveilleuse, still in “nowhere land”, a “back-to-front country” in which like men and spirits — above all the water spirit — the tree is the “craftsman of adventure.”

Production :
Centre Culturel Franco Nigérien; IRSH; CNRS Images; Comité du Film ethnographique CFE
Editing :
Françoise Beloux
Sound :
Moussa Hamidou
Photography :
Jean Rouch
Copy Contact :
Archives Françaises du Film

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