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Easy Rider

James Benning
2012 United States 95 minutes English
Courtesy of the artist and neugerriemschneider, Berlin
Courtesy of the artist and neugerriemschneider, Berlin

“After doing a re-make of John Cassavetes’ Faces (1968), I decided to re-make another American classic, Dennis Hopper’s Easy Rider (1969). Easy Rider interests me in two ways: its portrayal of 60’s counterculture…and its search for place. I divided the original film into scenes…and then replaced each scene with one shot filmed at the original location….My Easy Rider tries to find today’s counter-culture (if one exists) by replacing the 60’s music with music that I listen to today.” J. Benning

Editing / Sound / Photography :
James Benning
Print source :
Galerie neugerriemschneider

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