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Flash Back

S.N.S Sastry
1974 India 21 minutes English

Made a year before the Emergency, Flash Back was commissioned by Films Division to commemorate its 25th anniversary. Sastry, with his ever-surprising style, turns this “history of” film into a joyous mix, bringing together archival film footage, documentation of Films Division’s infrastructure, and the musings of John Grierson, Ezra Mir, S. Sukhdev and himself, to tussle with the role of documentary cinema.

Production :
Films Division of India
Screenplay :
S.N.S Sastry, H.S. Nagaraja Sharma
Photography :
M.S. Pendurkar
Sound :
T.A. Jagannathan
Editing :
M.N. Chaubal
Print contact :
Films Division of India • email

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