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Un Corps sans vie de 19 ans

Mosco Boucault
2007 France 74 min French

She died on a rubbish heap, in the bitter cold of a winter night, a long agonising death. Alone. Her body was discovered early morning on wasteland in the Villette area by a woman who had come to feed stray cats….Her name was Ginka Trifonova and she worked as a prostitute on this patch of hell, between the ring road and the railway line….The investigation of Mosco Boucault and Philippe Broussart is remarkable. They tell us everything about pretty Ginka, her dreams about lost children, her shattered illusions, and help us to better understand the fate of these girls from the East, who were led to their downfall for daring to aspire a formatted illusion of happiness. They make no attempt to reconstitute the murder, simply the short life of a girl who on her 18th birthday left her village in Bulgaria for a one-way trip. We follow her traces along the paths of exile, through Macedonia, Greece, Belgium, then in France.
Richard Cannavo (Le Nouvel Observateur)

Production :
Zek Productions
Photography, editing :
Mosco Boucault
Sound :
Fabien Krzyzanowski
Music :
Bugge Wesseltoft
Narration :
Leïla Férault
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