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The Death of Louis XIV

Albert Serra
2016 France, Portugal, Spain 115 min French

August 1715. Back from a walk, Louis XIV feels a sharp pain in his leg. Over the following days, the King continues to fulfil his duties but his nights are restless and fever sets in. He eats little and grows weaker by the day. And so begin the death throes of France’s greatest king, attended by his faithful followers and physicians.

Production :
Capricci Films, Rosa Filmes, Andergraun Films
Screenplay :
Thierry Lounas, Albert Serra
Photography :
Jonathan Ricquebourgt
Sound :
Anne Dupouy, Jordi Ribas
Editing :
Ariadna Ribas
Music :
Marc Verdaguer
With :
Jean-Pierre Léaud, Patrick D’Assumçao, Marc Susini, Bernard Belin, Jacques Henric
Print contact :
Les Bookmakers,

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