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“Jaurès” – French theatrical & Dvd release, and festivals’ selections

Vincent Dieutre’s film JAURÈS (closing night, Cinéma du réel 2012) was programmed at the following festivals: À nous de voir Festival, Oullins (France, November 2015),
Écrans documentaires, Arcueil (France, December 2012), Escales Documentaires de La Rochelle (France, November 2012), Corsica.doc, Ajaccio (France, November 2012) and at the Etats généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France, August 2012).

It was theatrically released in France (April 3rd, 2013) as well as on Dvd (April 2nd, 2013) – distribtion: Jour2fête.