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“Model Village” – International Festivals

Hayoun Kwon’s film Model Village, International Short films competition Cinéma du réel 2014, was programmed at the following festivals: Porto/Post/Doc Festival (Portugal, December 2015), Festival Internacional de Cine Documental y cortometraje de Bilbao (Spain, November 2014), Festival des nouveaux cinémas documentaires (France, 14 – 23 November 2014), Abu Dhabi Film Festival (United Arab Emirates, October – November 2014), Jihlava International Documentary film Festival (Czech Republic, October 2014), Rencontres autour du film ethnographique Cinéma s d’Asie de l’est de Grenoble (France, October 2014), Milano film Festival (Italy, September 2014) and IndiLisboa (Portugal, April – May 2014).