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“The River Where We Live” – International Festivals

Sylvain L’Esperance’s film “The River Where We Live”, Cinéma du Réel 2007, was selected to the 10th Brooklyn International Film Festival, USA, June 1st to 10th 2007, to the Cinéma d’Attac Festival, France, May 16th – 22nd 2007; to the Champs et Contrechamp festival, France, May – June 2007; to the Festival de l’Oh!, France, June 30th – July 1st 2007; to Visions du Réel Film Festival, Switzerland, April 20th – 26th 2007; to Hot Docs Film Festival, Toronto, Canada, April 19th – 29th 2007; to Dok.Fest, Munich, Germany, May 2nd – 10th 2007.