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François Caillat

François Caillat, born in 1951, spent his childhood in Lorraine.
In Paris, during his school years, he was introduced to the theater (studying dramatic art with François Florent; creating a high school troupe after May 68; participating in the collective experiments of Ariane Mnouchkine and the Théâtre du Soleil in the early 1970s).
He taught philosophy for a few years, then finally turned to cinema. He trained by shooting several short fiction films and musical films, before tackling feature films.For the past twenty years, François Caillat has been making films on the border between documentary and essay. He is interested in representations of the past, traces, absence and oblivion. He defends the concept of a “documentary novel”, which favors the staging and the personal narrative.
Welcome to Bataville and Une jeunesse amoureuse are two theatrical films. La Quatrième Generation, L’Affaire Valérie, Trois soldats allemands, Médecins de brousse and L’Homme qui écoute are feature films produced for the Arte channel (La Lucarne or Grand Format). Most recently, Espérance, lettres sur l’engagement (2017) is an epistolary film with two voices directed with Silvia Radelli. Triptyque russe (2018) is a feature film.