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Luck Razanajaona
Tovo Rasoanaivo
2020 Madagascar 72 min

A tiny courtyard, life between the walls of the penitentiary… Such is their daily life. But this cannot define them entirely. They are also young people with dreams. “Outside”, everything seems violent, chaotic and limitless…

Luck Razanajaona

Luck Razanajaona is a Madagascan director, screenwriter and producer, a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels in Marrakech. In 2012, he was invited to the 10th Berlinale Talent Campus and the 5th Durban Talent Campus. He has made short fiction and documentary films, shooting in different countries including Morocco, Reunion Island, Madagascar, Germany and Egypt. His short 2013 film, Madame Esther won several awards and was screened at many film festivals throughout Europe and Africa.

Tovo Rasoanaivo

Tovo Rasoanaivo s’est formé sur le tas, dans une chaîne de télévision locale malgache. En 2009 il a suivi pendant 2 mois l’université d’été de la FEMIS à Paris pour se perfectionner dans le cinéma documentaire et en 2010,  il est entré à  l’Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels de Marrakech.

Production :
Africamadavibe Production
Image, Son :
Tovo Rasoanaivo + Prison of Antanimora cinema workshop
Original Soundtrack :
Luck Razanajaona
Editing :
Tovoniaina Rasoanaivo
Print source :

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