Sunny is a documentary film that revolves around an interviewer, a former teacher who now earns living by conducting interviews for social research organizations. Interviewer’s work is both interesting and extremely demanding, not only physically but emotionally as well. Social research, specifically public polls, can be considered as an opportunity for bringing people’s voices to different stakeholders, though currently it is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. Sunny provides an inside perspective on interviewer’s work and takes us through the process that is unclear and vague to the most part of the public simultaneously showing the different sides of Georgian society. The documentary describes life of different parts of Tbilisi in its full diversity and charm. Together with getting to know the protagonist, we also learn about people’s life, fears, hopes and attitudes towards the acute civic and political issues.
In production
Summer 2020
40-45 min
60 min
Sunny Films (Keti Machavariani and Tsisana Khundadz), Terra Incognita Films (Nato Sikharulidze, Giorgi Mukhadze and Giorgi Kobalia)