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Voglio dormire con te

I wanna sleep with you

I wanna sleep with you starts on the day my partner breaks up with me, keeping me out of his life and house. Facing this separation, I start a journey through the city which will bring me to confront with other 4 couples of friends. Their lives and relationship can help me figure out what went wrong with my partner. This will be a journey in search of the solutions that everyone puts in place to overcome the fear of solitude. I wanna sleep with you is a documentary about love and dislove, a film about emotional bonds frailty, an analysis of contemporary man and its weaknesses. It is a private film, like a diary or a conversation heard by chance.

Status :
Editing in progress
Screening version length :
60 min
Country :
France, Italy
Production :
The Kingdom / Start
Contacts :
Marie-Odile Gazin, Julie Nguyen Van Qui THE KINGDOM 19. avenue d'Italie – 75013 PARIS Raffaella Milazzo START SRL Via Giuseppe Giusti 28 20154 Milano