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Vladimir Léon
2022 France 70 min Language: French

In a farm amidst the French Alps, Jean-Philippe Valla, a farmer, develops energy and food self-sufficiency techniques. Julie Desprairies, a choreographer, works there with her team. Farming gestures and dance gestures merge as the agricultural and the choreography works seek a fairer way to inhabit the world.

Vladimir Léon

Vladimir Léon was born in Moscow in 1969. He directed several documentary films, among which Nissim AKA Max (2004, co-directed with Pierre Léon), The Comintern Brahmin – The Untold Story of M. N. Roy (2007), Farewell Radiator Street (2008), The Polyhedron and the Elephant (2015), My Dear Spies (2020).

Production :
SaNoSi Productions (Jean-Marie Gigon), Lyon Capitale Tv, La Compagnie Des Prairies
Photography :
Olivier Dury
Sound :
Virgile Van Ginneken
Editing :
Martial Salomon, Vladimir Léon
Music :
Ariana Vafadari, Laurent Cabané, Milann
Print source :
SaNoSi Productions -

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