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Gianluca Matarrese
France, Italy

Anne, director, adapts L’Assommoir by Emile Zola in which she plays the role of Gervaise. The story echoes her life. Through the mise en abyme, the film challenges this troubling border where fiction merges with reality, where life merges with art. A naturalistic approach that questions intimacy, drama, passion, work and love, and seeks to shed light on the most vibrant, timeless and universal aspects of life.

Gianluca Matarrese

Gianluca Matarrese was born and raised in Turin. In 2002, he finished his studies in cinema and then at the Jacques Lecoq Theatre School. In 2008, he started his career as a creator of a comedy series for OCS. In 2019, he directed his first feature documentary Tutto Fuori (best film at the Turin Film Festival). He followed this up with several award-winning films: La dernière séance which won the Queer Lion Award 2021 in Venice, or Pinned Into a Dress opening film of the Venice International Critics’Week 2022.

Stage :
final stage of editing
Completion :
May/June 2023
Screening version length :
90 min
Expected final length :
85 min
Production :
Dominique Barneaud (Bellota films)
Production Contact :
Funds :
Bellota Films (France) / Stemal Entertainment (Italie) / M.F. Network / Procirep-Angoa / Narcisse Co.

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