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Pascal Deux
2023 France 2 x 25 min Language: French

SOUND SESSION Rose Valland, héroïne de l’ombre, a podcast of Fiction France Culture

Paris 1943. Hitler set up the systematic looting of works of art in France. Rose Valland, infiltrated as intendant at the Jeu de Paume museum, which has become the sorting station for works leaving for Germany, will take all the risks to oppose this spoliation enterprise.

Programme accessible only to a French speaking audience 

Pascal Deux

Pascal Deux started out in cinema with Vivement Dimanche by François Truffaut. After a
career as assistant director – during which he collaborated with great cinematographers such
as Samuel Fuller and Jacques Rivette – he went into directing. After two short films,
Constance and Soigneurs Dehors ! – both selected for numerous international festivals – he
directed Noble Art, a documentary included in the Acid selection for the 2003 Cannes Film
Filmmaker, screenwriter, producer and editor, since 2014 he has also directed around 100
radio dramas for France Culture and France Inter, amongst them Retour à Killybegs based on
the novel by Sorj Chalandon, and the Chroniques de Jazz by Boris Vian which he adapted for
radio, as well as the serialised podcast fiction Projet Orloff.

Cast :
Clotilde Hesme, Frédéric Pierrot, Myriam Boyer, Johannes Oliver Hamm, Céline Milliat Baumgartner, Wolfgang Pissors
Production :
France Culture - Radio France
Scenario :
Zoé Gabillet, Pascal Deux
Music :
Krishna Lévy
Historical advisor :
Emmanuelle Polack

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