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Les Degling’s

Claude Massot
1978 France 28 minutes French

Yvonne Huriez, 40 years-old, was at the head of the news in 1972. After she was jailed for not paying a TV set, her son committed suicide. But Yvonne refused to give in. She expressed her rage and despair in a book to show that lumpenproletariat is not only found in the Third World. Then she opened “Les Degling’s”, anon-conformist bookshop in Saint-Denis, where she welcomes dropouts and marginal people from the surrounding estates.

Claude Massot


Né à Nice. Licence de lettres modernes. Entre à la télévision en 1966.

Réalise de nombreux documentaires à partir de 1970.

Production :
Antenne 2
Editing :
M. Gauzins
Sound :
J. Gayet
Photography :
Jean-René Dedieu

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