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Lousy Little Six Pence

Alec Morgan
1983 Australia 53 minutes English

In New South Wales, the “Aborigenes Protection Board” undertook in 1909 to break up Aborigenes communities by taking away the children and sending them as servants to white families. Based on archive documents and eye-witness reports, the film shows the Aborigenes situation as one similar to slavery, and analyses their progressive realization, which as from 1930 led to on organized struggle for their rights.

Alec Morgan

Né en Nouvelle-Zélande en 1948.

Travaille en Australie depuis 1978.

Son premier film était Robin Campbell old fella now, 25 min. et il a produit My Survival as an aboriginal, 1980 (Prix Cinéma du Réel)

Production :
Six Pence Productions
Distribution :
Ronin Films
Editing :
John Scott
Sound :
Lawrie Fitzgerald
Photography :
Martha Ansara

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