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“Everything is Fine” – International Festivals – American Distributor

Daisy Lamothe’s film “Everything is Fine (Toro Si Té – Tout va bien)”, French selection and Heritage Award Cinéma du Réel 2006, received the Best Development Message Award at Millenium International Film Festival, Brussels, Belgium, October 2009.

It was awarded the Documentary Price of the Festival du Film d’environnement, Paris, La Pagode, November 2006 and Jury’s Special Mention of the Festival Les Escales Documentaires, La Rochelle, France, November 7th to 12th 2006.

It was programmed at the following film festivals: Dok-Fest, Munich International Documentary Film Festival, Germany, May 2007, Anûû rû âboro International Film Festival, Pwêêdi Wiimîâ, New Caledonia, September 2007Festival des Films du Monde, Montreal, Canada, August 24th – September 4th 2006, Dok Leipzig, Germany, October 30th- November 5th 2006.

It is programmed in Britany by Comptoir du Doc Association in Rennes as part of the “Mois du Film Documentaire”.

It was bought by the American distributor First Run Icarus Films.