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“Acqua in bocca” – International festivals

Pascale Thirode’s film “Acqua in Bocca“, section French Panorama Cinéma du Réel 2010, was theatrically released in France on june 8th 2011.

It was programmed at the Rencontres documentaires de Doc’Ouest de Pléneuf-Val-André in september 2011 and it was the opening film of Mois du Film Documentaire in Besançon in november 2011.

It was also screened at the following festivals: World Islands Music and Insular Film Festival in Djerba (Tunisia, December 28-31, 2010), Festival Arte Mare de Bastia (France, November 2010), Festival Regards sur le monde de Rouen (France, October 2010), Festival international du film insulaire de Groix (France, August 2010), Festival de Cine de Granada (Spain, May 2010), Visions du Réel Film Festival de Nyon (Switzerland, April 2010), Itinérances, Alès Film Festival (France, April 2010) Festival du film méditerranéen de Tétouan (Morocco, March-April 2010).

Acqua in Bocca” won the Ulysses Documentary Award at Cinemed 2009, Montpellier Mediterranean Film Festival.