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200 km

Groupe Discusión 14
2003 Spain 100 minutes Spanish
© DR

In 2001, the workers at SINTEL (one of Telefónica’s large subsidiaries during the period of privatisation) occupied Madrid’s main avenue and set up a “Camp of Hope”. After six months, the 1,800 workers obtained the promise of a re-employment package from Aznar’s government and Telefónica. Two years later, these promises were not kept. More than 1,500 workers, along with their families, began an eight-day “March for dignity” starting from six different points in Spain. The march was to converge in Madrid on May 1st with demands for a solution to their situation, despite their abandon by the trades unions and the government’s indifference. Fourteen film students and young filmmakers joined together to accompany them and document the march and the struggle: along roads and motorways, from village to village, from camp sites to accommodation provided by supporters, the workers talk, discuss, laugh or become discouraged. Yet their anger and demand for dignity do not fade.

Groupe Discusión 14 :
Tània Balló, Nora B. González, Núria Campabadal, Ricard Carbonell, Roger Comella, Aymar del Amo, Marco Iglesias, David Linares, Iscar M. Chamorro, Rlisa Martínez, Itati Moyano, Cristina Pérez, Sandra Ruesga, Ruth Somalo
Production :
Distribution :
Editing :
Sergio Dies
Sound :
Groupe Discusión 14
Photography :
Groupe Discusión 14

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