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A Terra queima

Geraldo Sarno
1984 Brazil 55 minutes Portuguese

The life of peasants in the Nordeste region of Brazil after a long drought. As much through faith as through work and mutual help, they fight against hunger, infant mortality and unemployment.

Geraldo Sarno

Né en 1938 dans l’état de Bahia.

A réalisé de nombreux documentaires, de court et moyen métrage

Viramundo, 1965 ; Viva Cariri, 1969 ; Vitalino Campiao, 1968 ; Casa de farina, 1970 ;Casa grande e senzala, 1972 ; Segunda Feira, 1973 ; A Terra queima, 1984 ; Deus é un fogo, 1985 et un long métrage de fiction : Coronel Delmiro Gouveia, 1978.

Production :
Saruê Filmes; Radio Canada
Editing :
Walter Goulart; Severino Dada
Sound :
Carlos de Pino; Dudu Ferreira
Photography :
Pedro Farkas; José Antonio Ventura

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