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Dezső Magyar
1969 Hungary 69 minutes Hungarian

Produced by a group of students in the experimental Béla Balázs Studios (the workshop for documentary and experimental filmmaking) in 1969, Agitátorok is a response to 1968 and the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia presented through a cinematic portrait of Hungary’s short-lived 1919 revolution. The film, using newsreels from 1919 edited with reenacted scenes from the Party debates, remained banned by Hungarian authorities for nineteen years.

Production :
Béla Balázs Studio
With :
Gábór Bódy, Péter Dobai, Sándor Oszter, László Földes, Tamás Szentjóby
Photography :
Lajos Koltai
Sound :
László Hegedűs
Editing :
Vera Selmeczi
Print contact :
Hungarian Film Archive • email

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