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Ahava sheyn letara bemilim

Shiri Tsur
2001 Israel 55 minutes French; Hebrew

The lives of the forty nuns of the Beit Jamal monastery near Beit Shemesh. Why did they decide to forgo motherhood and marriage and wilfully commit themselves to a collective life of obedience and worship in perpetual silence ? Cut off from the world, are they totally removed from the Israeli context? And does their life change when they are sent to Beit Jamal from Paris or Rome? The film follows their daily life and attempts to deal with the cinematic challenge posed by their silence.

Shiri Tsur

Née en 1968 aux Etats-Unis. Etudes de philosophie et lettres à la Sorbonne avant d’intégrer la Femis en 1993. Réalise plusieurs courts métrages de fiction (Album de famille, Sans doute sans lui) ainsi que des documentaires parmi lesquels : • Rue Ordener, rue Labat – rencontre posthume, 1995 • Good Morning Israel, 1998 • Israël, 2000 • Un cerf volant, 2001, téléfilm pour la télévision israélienne • Amour ineffable, 2001.

Production :
Films du Poisson; Orna Yarmut Production
Editing :
Era Lapid
Sound :
Touli Chen
Photography :
Nurith Aviv

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