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Ainsi va la terre : histoire d’un remembrement en Berry

Perle Møhl
1993 France 75 minutes French

The land reallotment project dictated by the authorities causes an uproar in the small Berrichon village of Saint-Plantaire. The project opposes the small farmers, moved by their love of the land, and the technocrats, who think in terms of efficiency and modernity. On the one hand, there is the mayor and the council who support the project, on the other, the association of unruly landowners who denounce “the old people’s despair, the young people’s rage, and the feelings of hatred between neighbours”. There are discussions, punch-ups, demonstrations, meetings and modifications to the project. The small landowners finally lose the case and, when their land is set aside, their working conditions become even harder…

Production :
Yumi Productions; Sept Arte
Editing :
Sylvaine Dampierre
Sound :
Perle Møhl; Vincent Blanchet
Photography :
Perle Møhl; Vincent Blanchet

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