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Al Oued

Daoud Aoulad-Syad
1995 Morocco 22 minutes Arabic

“I earn my bread from this oued… I owe everything I have learnt from childhood until today to this river”, recounts this fisherman living on the banks of the Bouregreg. The number of fish has dwindled since the 60s but nowadays, as in the past, everyday life is punctuated by the routine activities of putting out to sea and auctioning the catch, by the hazards of the seasons, dangers and shipwrecks. “The days we don’t go out fishing, we don’t eat…”

Daoud Aoulad-Syad

Né à Marrakech en 1953. Il enseigne à la Faculté des sciences de Marrakech. Photographe, il expose à travers le monde. En 1989, il a suivi l’atelier de cinéma de la Femis. A réalisé :

Mémoire ocre, 1991 – Entre l’absence et l’oubli, 1993 (fiction) – Al Oued, 1995 – Adieu forain (fiction), 1998 – Le Cheval de vent (fiction), 2002 – Tarfaya (fiction), 2004

Production :
Paris Plage Productions; Films du Sud
Editing :
Ahmed Bouanani
Sound :
Najib Chlih
Photography :
Thierry Lebigre

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