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Anneler ve Çocuklar

Orhan Eskiköy
2004 Turkey 28 minutes Turkish

Now their children have gone to live in the city, the filmmaker’s grandparents find themselves alone in the village of Erzincan. Each year, they spend a month in Istanbul and, each time, comes the grandmother’s ritual reluctance to leave her children, while the grandfather cannot wait to return to the calm of his house. In the countryside, the elderly couple have little to occupy their time. They enjoy the garden shade, quarrel a little and soon make up. The grandmother feverishly calls the children she so misses or waits impatiently to pounce on the phone as soon as it rings.

Orhan Eskiköy

Né en 1980, suit des études en communication à l’Université d’Ankara.

Production :
Hidir Eskiköy
Distribution :
Orhan Eskiköy
Editing :
Asli Soyumert; Özgür Dogan
Sound :
Orhan Eskiköy
Photography :
Orhan Eskiköy

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