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Après le silence ce qui n’est pas dit n’existe pas ?

After the Silence What Remains Unsaid Does Not Exist?
Vanina Vignal
2012 France; Romania 95 minutes French; Rumanian

“It was normal: Ceausescu, the RCP, we lived with it, why talk about it?” When Vanina Vignal met Ioana in Romania in 1991, the dictator had fallen but the two friends still avoided politics. Après le silence is constantly battling against the silence transmitted from generation to generation in her friend’s family – and the whole country. Armed with a dictionary, her fluent Romanian and an intimate knowledge of the family, the filmmaker shows rare determination in an established documentary genre – the evocation of the abuses of a dictatorship – that sometimes goes no further than gathering testimonies. For the sake of their friendship, she asks questions relentlessly, digging into a half-revealed family secret and testing the small private world that Ioana has retreated into. And the more the conversation progresses, the more her Romanian friend details the strategy she developed during the dictatorship in order to avoid politics. This survival-driven apolitical attitude soon reveals itself as what fuels the system, which is only too happy that brains disconnect of their own free will.

Vanina Vignal

Vanina Vignal, née en 1970 à Paris, a d’abord été comédienne, (École Internationale de Théâtre et de Mouvement Jacques Lecoq, Conservatoire National de Théâtre de Roumanie) avant d’être assistante-monteuse puis assistante-réalisatrice.
Stella est sa première réalisation. Son nouveau projet, 4 femmes de Bucarest, a reçu la Bourse Louis Lumière/Villa Médicis hors les murs. Ces films sont les deux premiers volets d’une trilogie provisoirement appelée Trilogie Roumaine.

Production :
Vanina Vignal; Lucie Portehaut; Sandrine Pillon; Cristian Mungiu; Novembre Productions
Editing :
Mélanie Braux
Sound :
Vanina Vignal
Photography :
Vanina Vignal
Copy Contact :
Novembre Productions

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