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2014 Russia 150 minutes Russian

For the third year running, Cinéma du réel is proposing an evening of discussion on the barriers to creation all over the world. After Syria in 2012 and Iran in 2013, this new edition will focus on Russia. The situation often denounced by human rights organisations necessarily sp arks reflect ion on the fine line between censorship and self-censorship. What about filmmakers? Th e evening’s common thread will be Pavel Ko omarov and Alexander Ra orguev’smultimedia project . “The Term” aims to gather test imonies so as to share experiences on how to tackle political quest ions, and particularly that of political engagement. The filmmakers began filming during the Spring demonstrations, releasing their work in episodes on the Web, recalling the spirit of Newsreels. Th e proje ct is now being made into a feature documentary with sp ecial focus on the career of Aleksei Navalny, a blogger and key figure of the Russian opposition. With Max Tuula, producer of “The Term”, several episodes will be screened and discussed, to explore the relationship between creation, produ ction and diffusion in a harsh and tense political context.