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Ina Volmer
1995 Switzerland 15 minutes bosniac

Zurich, January 1995: a Bosnian refugee, who is applying for a residence permit in Switzerland, is summoned to the cantonal police office dealing with such matters. The setting employed for the questioning is simple: a civil servant with her typewriter, asking questions and typing up a report with the answers, and an interpreter…

Ina Volmer

Née en 1964. Études de graphisme et dessin. Elle travaille comme photographe et assistante caméra. En 1991, elle entre à l’école cantonale d’art de Lausanne. A réalisé : Le ballon, 1992 – Panama (fiction), 1995 – Asyl, 1995

Production :
ECAL-DAVI Ecole d'art cantonale de Lausanne
Editing :
Ina Volmer
Sound :
Christian Davy
Photography :
Stephane Kuthy

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