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At the End of the Day

Claus Erichsen
2001 United Kingdom 26 minutes English

How do you cope working with death? At the end of the Day is an exploration of what goes on behind the polished facade of a funeral director. Here we meet the young extraordinary Carrie, 20, and Marc, 22, who spend most of the day embalming dead people. The film deals with a sensitive issue but through the engaging characters and their thoughts on daily life issues like diet to more serious thoughts about their own funeral, we come to terms with how they normalise a different world.

Claus Erichsen

Né en 1976 au Danemark. Travaille comme producteur et réalisateur pour le département jeunesse de la télévision danoise avant d’intégrer la NFTS. A réalisé des documentaires : • The Modest Photographer, 1998 • Kenneth and the Norms, 1999 • At the End of the Day, 2001

Production :
National Film and Television School
Distribution :
National Film and Television School
Editing :
Richard Overall
Sound :
Tom Thorley
Photography :
Claus Erichsen

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