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Johanna Bedeau
2023 France 52 min Language: French

From paternalistic and inquisitive bosses to underground miners, passing through emigrant labor and recruiters, through the settlements and slagheaps, we unfold a whole universe that we thought had disappeared while the energy crisis makes us look at coal with a new eye.

Johanna Bedeau

Johanna Bedeau studied anthropology and has extended her fieldwork by making documentaries. Working for more than seventeen years on the condition of women in Africa and in France, she made her first documentary film Bilakoro, on excision in Mali, then Ma cité au féminin, on the condition of women in the housing estates, and numerous radio documentaries for France Culture, on maternity, abortion, virginity, the female body, violence against women, wandering women, incest…
Johanna Bedeau has continued her documentary work for France Culture, also focusing on the prison system, restorative justice, juvenile judges, law enforcement and legitimate violence, etc., or for television with Vieillir à l’ombre or Détenus victimes : une rencontre, a film about a unique experience in which three victims come to prison to meet with three inmates serving long sentences.
She also works on these themes by making interventions with these different audiences (workshop on the issue of sexism, writing and directing and radio workshop in prisons, series of short films on endometriosis for an awareness campaign …).
Documentaries and fiction serve the same purpose: to give the widest possible audience the means to think, through shared stories, by favoring a human perspective and an intimate approach.

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Production :
LSD - La Série Documentaire
Radio production :
Marie-Laure Ciboulet

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