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Autumn on Ob River

Janno Simm
2003 Russia; Norway; Estonia 46 minutes Russian; Khanty

Near the mouth of the Ob River in north-western Siberia, just above the polar circle, live the northernmost of 22,500 Khanty people. Here, survival is a daily challenge given the harsh polar climate and the unpredictable nature of post-Soviet Russia. Like many of their neighbouring kinsmen, the Tobolko family is a part of a fishing brigade, but pay is low and irregular and sometimes even months late. Even so, they still persevere in their traditional Arctic economy, where hunting and reindeer herding supplement the fishing activities. The film follows the autumnal life of a Khanty family from the end of the fishing season through to the move to winter quarters.

Janno Simm

A étudié à l’Ecole européenne de Cinéma au Danemark. De 1997 à 2002 il travaille comme technicien audiovisuel au Musée National d’Estonie, puis poursuit un mastère d’anthropologie visuelle à l’Université de Tromso. Autumn on ObRiver a été réalisé dans le cadre de ce diplôme.

Production :
Visual Cultural Studies, Université de Tromso
Editing :
Janno Simm
Sound :
Janno Simm
Photography :
Janno Simm

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