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Mohamad Roumi
2004 Syria 16 minutes Arabic

“I was fourteen when we crossed the Euphrates on a raft-shaped ferry, together with my father and the furniture-laden car. We had left the village of Tell Abiad in northern Mesopotamia to settle in Alep. I wanted to film the ferry, my home region, its people and its children, who were much like the kids my brother, my friends and myself had once been. I wanted to film the archaeological sites where I had often gone back to work as a photographer. I wanted to film what I held dear before it was all swallowed up by the dam.” (Mohamad Al Roumi)

Mohamad Roumi

Photographe, ne en 1945 a Alep, en Syrie. Apres lfobtention de son diplome des Beaux- Arts, en 1972, il devient photographe de missions archeologiques. Ses photographies font lfobjet d’expositions personnelles et collectives. Une partie d’entre elles a ete acquise par le Louvre, l’Institut du Monde arabe, l’Unesco et les Ministeres de la culture et du tourisme syriens. Azrak-ramadi est son premier film.

Production :
Mohamad Roumi
Distribution :
Sésame Films
Editing :
Gabriel Humeau
Sound :
Ali Kâaf
Photography :
Al-Roumi Meyar

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