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Between the Devil and the Wide Blue Sea

Romuald Karmakar
2005 Germany 90 minutes German

How can you avoid the television videoclip form for the representation of electronic music? In a few sequences and thanks to highly precise framing, several groups from the electro music scene (Alter Ego, Captain Comatose, CobraKiller…) give us a glimpse into the practices, rituals, and systems of representation and construction that bond them with their public. “So how can you film music in such a way that the music and its artists are brought back to the foreground? Would it be possible to set up a single camera to film the live performances of musicians of the subculture so that the strategy of their resentation is made clearer? Wouldn’t a shot as long as the musical piece itself be more fitting way to show an audience in a movie theater where we actually live? Even if that audience decides it doesn’t really want to know, this film is an attempt to open up our visual library.”

Production :
Pantera Film
Editing :
Robert Thomann; Uwe Klimmeck; Patricia Rommel
Sound :
Hierbod Aminlari
Photography :
Romuald Karmakar

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