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Blandine et Marie

Michel Burnier
1985 France 45 minutes French

The supernatural in a mining region, at Saint-Etienne, seen through the visions of Blandine, who has since 1982 received and passed on messages from the Virgin Mary : the “faithful” and the priests comment, each after their own fashion, on these visions.

Michel Burnier

A réalisé :

la fête à Ménilmontant, 1981

La psychologie freudienne, 1982

Le cheval de travail, 1983

Les observateurs de l’homme, 1983

Triste tertiaire, 1984

Burotik blues, 1984

Production :
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
Editing :
B. Besse
Sound :
Y. Bouzaher
Photography :
S. Kessous

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