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Carton rouge

Red Card
Mohamed Saïd Ouma
2020 South Africa, Comoros, France 87 min
© Lacoupure - En Quête Prod
© Lacoupure - En Quête Prod

Carte blanche – Claire Diao

In the Comoros, three female basketball players from the national team and their former coach manifest their resistance by choosing to live and build their future in a country undermined by precarity and exile. Basketball is a way of escape, but also of expressing and realising one’s full potential.

Production :
En Quête Prod, Lacoupure Les Films Façon Façon, Real Eyes Films
Cinematography :
Azim Moollan
Sound :
Ulrich Grandjean, Julien Verstraete
Original Soundtrack :
Karim Douaidy
Editing :
Nantenaina Lova
Print source :

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