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Case study – Anglophone East Africa and Indian Ocean

Anglophone East Africa with Docubox (Kenya) on Sam Soko’s Softie, developed and financed through this film fund which was founded by filmmaker Judy Kibinge to promote the development of documentaries in the countries of this English-speaking region, in liaison with other African countries. With Peter Mudamba (Docu Box), Mohammed Said Ouma (DOC-A, Documentary Africa Fund), Mandisa Zitha (Director of Encounter Festival, South Africa), Magdalene Reddy (General manager of Durban FilmMart) and the filmakers Sam Soko, Tovoniaina Rasoanaivo.

Curated by Hicham Falah, general delegate of the Agadir FIDADOC and its “Documentary Beehive”.

photo :
© LBx Africa

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