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Cette mémoire qui se tait

Fanny Guiard
2000 France 63 minutes French

Marie-Thérèse Chailley, Mamita, the filmmaker’s grandmother used to be an internationally famous viola player, with a strong, charismatic temperament. Today, Alzheimer’s disease has banished from her memory almost all of her past. ‘Some film subjects inspire you to tell a story, others to share sensations. I wanted my documentary to be of the second kind. I certainly wished to recreate complex relationship with time, as well as the anguish of losing one’s memory through Alzheimer’s disease, taking as a basis my own family history, especially my grandmother’s. Although the theme is grave, I still wished to draw inspiration from Mamita’s lively and joyful character, from her sometimes disturbing laughter and her sparkling eyes. I wanted to advance against the tide, since film gives you that freedom.’ (Fanny Guiard)

Fanny Guiard

Après des études littéraires, elle suit une formation cinématographique à l’université Paris VIII, qu’elle conclut par un Master de Documentaire de création à Barcelone. Parallèlement, elle occupe différents postes d’assistante (réalisation, montage et production) sur des courts métrages de fiction. Elle est aussi reporter et chroniqueuse sur France Inter et RFI. Cette mémoire qui se tait est son premier film.

Production :
Futurikon; Ina; France 5
Distribution :
Editing :
Jean-Marie Lengellé
Sound :
Jean-Yves Pouyat
Photography :
Stéphane Journoux; Florian Bouchet

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