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Maëva Ma-Tsi-Leong.
2005 France 19 minutes French; Chinese

Together, Madame Chen and her husband had set up a gastronomic Chinese restaurant, which even won a star in the famous French Guide Michelin. But then Monsieur Chen died. His wife is fighting her grief, and groans before scolding her staff. She doubts herself and feels frightened, as the world has turned hostile. Alone and despite all, she is duty bound to keep what the couple had achieved… for the sake of thirty happy years.

Maëva Ma-Tsi-Leong.

Maëva Ma-Tsi-Leong, née en 1979 à la Réunion, étudie le cinéma. Chen est son film de fin d’études du Dess de réalisation documentaire de Strasbourg.

Production :
DESS réalisation documentaire de Strasbourg
Editing :
Maëva Ma-Tsi-Leong.
Sound :
Maëva Ma-Tsi-Leong.
Photography :
Maëva Ma-Tsi-Leong.

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