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Cheng xiang jiehe bu

Zhanqing Zhang
2001 China 73 minutes Chinese

To ensure his chlidren’s future, Guan Chunqi, a peasant from the Anhui province, has gone to work in Peking as a pedicab rider. Hily has joined him, but their view of the capital stretches no further than the dismal slum on the far outskirts of the city. His young daughter, Tongling, who dreamt of visiting Tianan’âmen Square, has to make do with playing on a nearby wasteland. Their situation worsens, work is hard and brings in little money. All the more so, as the regulations are very strict regarding the migrant workers. Guan Chunqi’s earnings are swallowed up by schooling expenses, and the mother falls ill and returns to Anhui for treatment. Then the authorities order the insalubrious shanties to be demolished and their inhabitants moved to another suburb…

Zhanqing Zhang

Ares Documentary Studio

Production :
Ares Documentary Studio
Editing :
Shule CAO
Sound :
Zhanqing Zhang
Photography :
Zhanqing Zhang

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