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Raymonde Carasco
1998 France 42 minutes French
© Régis Hébraud

“Jíkuli: peyote. Antonin Artaud says Ciguri. Erasmo Palma says HiKuri. Jíkuli denotes both peyote and the being associate with it.” (Régis Hébraud)

“Encouter with Peyote yesterday: this pool of intensely-red flowers, between blood red and carmine red, more carmine than blood red, on top of the cactus.
– What kind of flowers are these?
– Peyote, Hector replies to me.
This unexpected encounter was seemingly the first sign of initiation. Peyote wants me, its not me who’s looking for it.” (Raymonde Carasco)

Production :
Raymonde Carasco
Editing :
Raymonde Carasco; Régis Hébraud
Sound :
Régis Hébraud
Photography :
Régis Hébraud
Narration :
Jean Rouch, Raymonde Carasco
Copy Contact :
Régis Hébraud; La Cinémathèque de Toulouse