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Comme deux gouttes d’eau

Diane Létourneau
1988 Canada 55 minutes French

It took me years to understand what was bothering me, what bothers me even today about identical twins is that it forces us to pose those fundamental questions that are the very basis of our lives. “Who I am ?” “Am I free to be myself?” “Do I not exist only because the other looks at me ?” “What is fraternity ?” “Sharing ?” “Friendship ?” “Love ?” “What is a couple ?”. I know that we all ask these questions. Christine and Christiane, Alphonse and Louis, Jean and Luc give very simple answers, sometimes disarming ones, about their lives.” (Diane Létourneau)

Production :
ONF Office National du Film du Canada
Distribution :
ONF Office National du Film du Canada
Editing :
Robert Boire; France Pilon
Sound :
Claude Beaugrand; Richard Nichols; Serge Beauchemin
Photography :
Jean-Charles Tremblay; André-Luc Dupont

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