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Cuôc sông o ubitovna

Petr Václav
1992 Cezch Republic 36 minutes Czech; Vietnamese

Vietnamese workers who have come to work in Czech factories are lodged in uncomfortable hostels, where they live without any contact with the local population. Some of them make do with surviving as best they can while others, more aware of political developments in the country and in the rest of Europe, are keen to know more and pass on what they discover to their compatriots. All of them are bitterly aware of their isolation and end up feeling a mixture of inferiority and distrust towards the stand-offish Czechs.

Petr Václav

Né en 1967. Suit des études à la Famu (département documentaires) puis à la Femis à Paris. Il signe quatre courts métrages documentaires (Tvár zizkova, Údel, Cuoc song o ubitovna et Paní Le Murie) ainsi que deux longs métrages : Marian, 1996 et Paralelní svety (Les mondes parallèles), 2001.

Production :
AFis - Asociace Film & Sociology
Distribution :
AFis - Asociace Film & Sociology
Editing :
Martin Cihák
Sound :
Miroslav Simcík
Photography :
Stepán Kucera

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