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Cuvar Tegljaca

Silvio Mirosnicenko
2003 Croatia 20 minutes Serbo-Croatian

Marin Seremesic supervises the barges moored on the river Drava. Once a month, he leaves them unattended, when he rows to the town of Osijek to collect his pay from the shipping company. He lives alone, without water or electricity. His sole companions are the river, the trees, and the passing barges to distract him’

Silvio Mirosnicenko

Né en 1972 en Allemagne. En 1997 il entre à l’Académie d’Art dramatique de Zagreb. Il a collaboré à l’écriture de nombreux documentaires et a réalisé deux documentaires à caractère social : • Bonnie i Clyde na glavnom kolodvoru (Bonnie and Clyde de la gare centrale 1999 • Snovi na peronu djetinjstva (Rêves de la gare), 2001

Production :
Factum Documentary Film Project
Distribution :
Factum Documentary Film Project
Editing :
Ivan Rajkovic
Sound :
Dalio Zilic
Photography :
Robert Ceric

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