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Débat public : Après le premier film, comment s’affirmer ? – 2ème partie

Public Debate: Taking a Firm Direction after a First Film - 2nd part
105 minutes

CASE STUDIES. Two authors, whose first film has encountered a large success, look back on their work experience in order to reflect collectively on how a filmmaker is able to construct his or her filmwork and path. A practical case study in order to give insights into these experiences and enlighten budding filmmakers. Namir Abdel Messeeh, director of The Virgin, the Copts and Me (2012, France, 85′), will be presenting his new project Notre Village (working title).Andreï Schtakleff, co-director of L’Exil et le Royaume (2008, France, 127′), will be presenting his new film in progress La Montagne magique.Hosted by Rebecca Houzel (producer).