Det Bedste sted er oppe i masten – 147 dögn på togt med fullriggeren Danmark
Le meilleur endroit, c'est la mâture - 147 jours à bord du trois-mâts Danmark
57 minutes
Simon leaves for a 5 months voyage on the Danmark, a Danish training ship which is one of the oldest sailing fullriggers in operation. From Italy back to Elsinore, via the Caribbean, the diary of the “apprentice number 47” tells of his times of fear or rest, of happiness or longing.
Production :
Ternen Film
Ternen Film
Editing :
Birger Møller Jensen
Birger Møller Jensen
Sound :
Stig Sparre Ulrich
Stig Sparre Ulrich
Photography :
Dan Holmberg
Dan Holmberg