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Die Regierung

Christian Davi
1997 Switzerland 78 minutes German

The Government is a group of five physically and mentally handicapped people plus two other musicians. The music they play is directly related to their everyday life: for seventeen years, they have been living in a family structure in the ‘Steinengässli’ in Ebnat-Kappel. The family environment, their closely shared past and the fact they have been able to work and live together over a long period of time mean they have woven strong ties and developed a very intense group feeling. Whether handicapped or mentally disturbed, finding one’s place and being accepted above all as a person, creates a feeling of security. The success of their performances derives from their excellent stage presence and the generosity with which they communicate their music to the public and to the world in which they have managed to find a place.

Christian Davi

Né en 1967, à Zurich, diplômé de Sciences de l’environnement, comédien et co-régisseur au Théâtre de Lucerne, a étudié à l’Ecole cantonale d’Arts de Lausanne, il a réalisé des courts métrages documentaires et de fictions, dont :

• Sugar Town, 1989 • Spiderman, 1990 • Matamaro, 1990 • Spiritus, 1991 • Last Pictures, 1991• Die Regierung, 1997

Production :
Magic Lantern Productions
Editing :
Myriam Flury
Sound :
Rudolf Gfeller
Photography :
Christian Davi; Hans Schürmann

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